We are still taking every precaution to keep Covid 19 to a minimum so we’ve continued to keep some of our protocols in place for the time being but also removed some to get that more relaxed feeling in the salon once again. Please see below the steps we currently have in place.

🌟There will be a hands free sanitizer as you enter the salon.
🌟 Each work station and Reception will have individual hand sanitizers.
🌟There will be a screen infront of Reception, in between the work stations and next to the wash basins.
🌟Magazines and refreshments will be provided.
🌟 Every gown is sanitised before each client.
🌟 Every staff member will be wearing PPE.
🌟The salon will have a deep clean after each set of clients.
🌟 Stylists will still be wearing masks but it is optional for clients if they’d like to also.
🌟Please come to your appointment alone, please tell us if you need to bring someone so we can plan ahead.
🌟Please pay by card or contactless when possible but we can still take cash if necessary.

updated Feb 2022